How and why the Henry Dana Foundation began. Bringing awareness to the prevention of suicide and mental depression.
August 6th, 2020
On the afternoon of August 6th, 2020, I received a phone call that I had lost my Dad, Henry Dana from suicide. I was in complete shock and began to scream and could not believe what I had just heard. My life was forever changed from that day forward.
Henry was an extremely talented man that had a passion for building street rods and hot rods, drag racing, NASCAR, car shows, music, and cats. He was full of life and loved by many.
However, he had recently found himself in a very lonely and dark place, struggling with depression. Like many others, he came to the sad conclusion that ending his life was the only way to stop the pain and suffering he felt inside all the while hiding it from others. I was never made aware that my Dad was struggling which will forever haunt me.

Bringing Awareness to the Prevention of Suicide
For this reason, my mission is to help others who are feeling sad and in a dark place with no way out. I could not think of a better way to honor my Dad’s life than by touching the lives of others and bringing awareness to the prevention of suicide and so that no other family has to go through this.
Our Foundation Hopes To Change Mindsets
Like Henry, when someone is thinking about suicide, it’s not likely that they will just come out and tell you. By bringing awareness to the prevention of suicide, our foundation hopes to change mindsets and spread the word about how to look for signs of trouble. By taking the time to listen to your friends, family members, or even complete strangers, you may be able to help prevent another tragedy. My Dad had always said “I could never do that” but ultimately he did “just that.”
To honor my Dad’s legacy, I have started Hot Rods for Henry in South Florida. Through this event, and other merchandise sales, we are raising the money needed to continue spreading our message and start giving back to the community. There will be other events happening in the future so stay tuned.
Your voice carries this conversation and your story helps bring hope to those struggling. Get involved right where you are—whether that’s online, in the halls at school, at your workplace, or in the communities you belong to.