I’ll never forget the first time I met him.

I’ll never forget the first time I met him. Goodguys Columbus 2008.

I was walking around the parking lot at the Host Hotel with a former boss. He yelled Henry! This 5’4″ man turned around with a Miller Lite in his hand and greeted us.
What’s FTF stand for again?
Henry replied,” Fuck the Fenders”
We all laughed.

Fast forward. I moved to NC for new opportunities in my career. I’m at a local car show put in by Stuart-Haas racing. I see this 5’4″ gentleman again and I recognize him, but I can’t remember when and where. I stopped and he stopped, we both point at each other.

We both: Aren’t you, don’t I, as words babble from our mouths. We laugh, and catch up. He mentioned he was building a ’32 truck and told me to come by sometime. For a little under two years ( after my regular job,& weekends) we got the bodywork and everything painted Dana Red. We shared many laughs together. I’ll cherish those moments forever. Towards the end of the project he handed me the formula for Dana Red.

You best believe from those days on, it’ll be only red I’ll ever use.

Miss you Peckerhead!